Wood Surfboard FAQ
Wood Surfboard Kits
- 6. Question: Where do I buy wood for the planking?
- 3. Question: What's in an export kit?
- 1. Question: What do the kits contain? Do they have everything I need?
- 2. Question: What is the best kind of wood to use?
- 12. Question: Can the kits be modified?
- 10. Question: How do I choose the board that's right for me?
- 8. Question: I've never glassed a board, is it hard?
- Is the assembly a printed copy?
- What is the final weight of the Mini Simmons Eco Chamber Kit?
- How much woodworking ability do I need and what tools?
- 5. Question: What's a vent for, is my board going to explode without one?
- 9. Question: What kind of resin do you use?
- 4. Question: Do I have to glass the board or can I just varnish it?